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Most liberal cities in the southeastMost liberal cities in the southeast. 11 Most Liberal Cities in Florida in 2022
Polar Bear: You should leave the South. Some even want it to burn down, which disgusts me. There are progressive areas in TN, Nashville for one. I went to Atlanta recently, and trust me, Jason would fit right in. Mostly liberals of one stripe or another, and most people, even Whites, vote Democrat.
There is a huge hipster scene and in Five Points, you may be forgiven for thinking you are in San Fransisco by mistake. There are transplanted Northerners everywhere, and there are hip, liberal Southerners from places like Mississippi and Alabama without a trace of a Southern accent who would not be out of place in any hipster paradise. I did some research and Atlanta is the 2rd most liberal metropolitan area in the US. One thing I noticed though is that a lot of Whites who move to Atlanta from the North eventually turn rather racist against Blacks.
The women I was staying with, my girlfriend at the time, had come from Michigan and was a total antiracist when she showed up. Well, twenty years of living around Atlanta Blacks took care of that ideology.
Are hardcore anti-Black racists actually like that? I mean who cares? Let her think whatever the Hell she wants. When it translates into action is when we can start worrying. I met a friend of hers, a guy from New York state who just seemed like your average hipster liberal, who said he was moving to Washington state. He seemed to have made a similar transformation.
One of her roommates was a guy from Nicaragua. He was one odd bird — I believe he had Avoidant Personality Disorder — but he absolutely despised Blacks, and he was an extreme racist. You would be surprised at how many Hispanics are much worse anti-Black racists than your average White person is. The lack the shame that keeps a lot of us Whites from going over the edge. Nothing wrong with some variety in accents — and I have a southern accent — though a lot less than when a kid.
Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Polar Bear: You should leave the South. Or at least move to a liberal big city, as the commenter suggested. Please follow and like us:. Yeah, obnoxiously racist — for sure — especially if drunk or high.
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